Equine Vet Clinic's home page
  • Call our surgery01505 610100
  • Emergency07795 843252

Emergencies-Out of Hours

What to do in an emergency when we are closed

In the event of an emergency please call this number

Emergency Number - 07795 843252

Our emergency phone lines will be answered by a specialist medical call handler who will take your details and transfer these to the vet nearest your location.

This means you may not see your usual vet on some occasions out of normal working hours, but all medical records and invoicing will still be from your normal daytime veterinary clinic.


With effect from 1st of September 2023, we have been working to develop a service that:

Aims to deliver better response times for clients and their horses.

Provides three layers of backup for those situations where we have to cope with multiple emergencies occurring at the same time.

Provides dedicated equine vets.

Provides separate vets covering the hospitalised cases and those out on yards.

Reduce the mileage travelled per call to reduce our carbon footprint.

Improve the on-call rota demand for our vets to reduce the long working shifts required to provide 24 hour care and advice, 365 days a year, for your horses.